Herbal Remedies Are Beneficial: Fact or Fiction?
Which camp do you fall into? Herbal remedies are beneficial and I've seen results, or I'll stick with conventional medicines!
The use of herbal remedies is increasing worldwide. It seems the USA is catching up to what the rest of the world has known for centuries, that herbal medicines do work!
The reasons people use herbal remedies vary:
distrust/dissatisfaction with conventional medicine,
used as a complement to conventional medicine,
it is healthier and more natural than conventional medicines for the body,
have suffered through failed conventional medicine treatments,
familiarity with plant medicine has created a level of trust,
difficulty deciphering medicine label (what's really in it),
conventional medicines have too many side effects,
better for mild illnesses,
evidence promoting its health benefits
long-standing family history promoting the use of herbs,
overall positive experience after use, and
individual awareness of health benefits and general maintenance of body systems.
Those that use herbal remedies in the Western world do so for the following reasons: cold/flu symptoms, infections, headaches, allergies, pain management, rashes and itches, insect bites, depression, brain fog, sleeping issues, and immune building. However, if symptoms are more severe they seek out the services of a clinical herbalist. Certain herbs are effective in the battle against bacteria, viruses, and others are excellent for strengthening the immune system.
When folks mention herbal remedies as a way to mitigate symptoms some folks just don't believe the testimonies. Change is sometimes difficult and suggesting something new to try is just out of the question. The rebuttal may be I've used this drug before, and it worked, so why should I change. We tend to forget that 25% of medicines are derived from plant medicine.
Drugs have to be approved by the FDA. and many of the questions that arise are: 1) is it safe?, 2) how long can I take it? 3) what are the side effects? and 4) is it safe to take them with other meds.
On the other hand, those who have tried using conventional medicine with little or no results often are anxious to give it a try. They weigh the pros and cons and find that going the herbal remedies route is often cheaper and more effective in the long run.
If we're really interested in keeping our bodies at optimum levels taking herbal remedies consistently grants us the best results and keeps our immune systems humming. And it is all-natural. Sometimes depending on what our symptoms are it's a one-and-done scenario; while conventional medicine requires so many pills several times a day for a set period of time.
There is so much herbal information that we can often take a remedy without worrying much about its origin or side effects. For the most part, herbs are safe to use. What we must keep in mind is whether or not certain herbs can be taken along with conventional medications without causing harm (just like drugs).
There are many reputable herbalists and herb farmers selling organic herbs. You can forage on your own or purchase from them. If you want to give it a go be sure that you take a knowledgeable person with you especially if you're not really familiar with plant identification, and pick up a few resource books while you're at it. There are a number of books you can purchase or pick up at the library and there are loads and loads of youtube videos out there, and there are even some apps that can help you identify certain herbs, twigs, plants, etc. If this is an area of interest, why not take a class or two from an herbalist whom others recommend!
I don't want to mislead you into thinking all herbs are harmless. That would be wrong. The numbers are small and there is so much documented evidence about them that they are very well known.
Another possibility is to grow your own plants so they will be right at your fingertips. Experiment with them and make your own remedies. Perhaps you might start with a tea. However, just as conventional medications have recommended dosages so do herbs. Familiarize yourself with the recommended dosages and see how your body reacts. Adjust accordingly.
Getting to know plants by watching them through the seasons gives one detailed insight so that you know a plant when you see it no matter the environment. Pick an herb, just one, and get to know it intimately. Observe it, smell it, taste it, draw it and jot down your insights in a journal. Studying plants is exciting!
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Peace and Herbal Blessings,
The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. The information provided by this website or this company is for informational purposes only, it is not meant to substitute for medical advice or diagnosis provided by your physician or other medical professionals, and is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with a health care provider, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. Always consult your physician or health care provider before using any herbal products.